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Cord Cutting 1-1 Session

Cord Cutting 1-1 Session

Regular price €100.00 EUR
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A 1-1 session around forgiveness, boundary setting and connection.

The cord cutting session is an opportunity to release something that has been holding you back whether that is a person, place or even a recurring thought. The best way to view it is, when you meet a person you attach an invisible ribbon to you both. The deeper the bond (like family or relationship) the tighter and the more ribbon is attached. When you try to pull back from this person it feels impossible and that is because this ribbon is still holding you together.

What is Cord Cutting?

The practice of cord cutting helps to recover energy that has been lost and to re-establish healthy energetic boundaries.

Cord cutting is a healing technique to help “unhook” you from draining or unhealthy emotional dynamics, freeing you from relational patterns that squander your mental energy. It is important to note that cord cutting does not seek to remove healthy emotional bonds with loved ones; rather, it clears away emotional obstructions that are limiting you consciously and unconsciously.

There are three main cord cutting focuses people like to use.

No.1: Cutting a cord with a person (either family, friends or love) out of your life

No.2: Cutting a cord with a limiting thought, emotion or belief about yourself

No.3: Cutting a cord with a past version of yourself

My goal is to leave you feeling free from a specific person or thing with the help of my guidance and help. 

How This Process Works: 

Length of session: 2 Hours

You Will Need:

  • A journal
  • A pen
  • 2 long candles
  • Twine
  • A knife or tool to etch into the candles
  • A lighter
  • Throwaway paper
  • Object you can burn paper into
  • Anything you want to put around that represents what your releasing
  • Optional: crystals to put around candles
  • Optional: tarot / oracle deck

Then we will go through the process of the cord cutting together either on Zoom or in-person. I will do the same process on my end and repeat the same steps as you to increase the power of the letting go ritual. 

  1. What are you letting go of? Journalling Section
  2. We visualise this person or thing together through a guided meditation
  3. Speak to them | writing down anything you need to say, visualising the hold in your body
  4. Make the alter space using the above tools
  5. Carve a symbol on the candles 
  6. Saying out loud what you need to release 
  7. Light the candles
  8. Repeat a releasing affirmation / mantra 
  9. Closing meditation 
  10. Three card spread on past, present & future of how you are feeling now. 

What you get for your order: 

  • Pdf with notes from what we discussed and pictures of the cards
  • Spiritual homework containing suggestions, books & podcast suggestions relating to your question
  • Video recording of the session
  • Audio recording of the session 
  • Affirmation, journal prompts and suggested crystal to try

Choose an option:

1. Zoom Meeting 2 Hours:  €100

With this option I will go onto a Zoom call with you and we will do a short meditation of your question and then I will share what cards came up. (Mon - Fri business days)

2. In-Person 2 Hours: €130

(Please note this is only for people based in Ireland in Dublin or Kildare) 

I can travel out to you and meet you at a Dublin or Kildare location and do a reading in-person. (Mon - Fri business days though if you need a weekend this can possibly be arranged so please do get in touch)

After you order: 

You will be sent to a Calendly page to choose when to do your session via a Zoom session or in-person. This can be viewed here 

I am based in Dublin, Ireland (GMT Timezone) but can offer international readings also. Calendly automatically changes the timezone for this. If you need to book a session outside of my hours please get in touch and I can arrange a different time. 

Medical Disclaimer: 

Laura Seed (Inner Wild Fire) is not a formally licensed healthcare professional. Therefore, Laura Seed does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing on this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Laura Seed encourages you to seek the care of a licensed healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. By booking this session you are agreeing to my medical disclaimer  and Terms and Conditions 

What Makes Me Different To Other Coaches: 

I have taught hundreds of these sessions to women over the past 6 years in my own workshops and classes. Now I want to bring a more personal element and start working 1-1 with clients. Having created my own oracle deck I have a certain way with intuition and having done my own cord cutting rituals over the years I know how hard it can be to let certain things go. My goal is to use my experience, my intuition and my knowledge to help you release and move forward just like my clients have in the past. 


Photography by Me Inner Wild Fire of my own oracle deck. 

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